A Prayer from the Hermanosis Tribe

I free my parents from the feeling that they have failed me…

I free my children from the need to bring me pride, allowing them to be able to write their own paths according to their hearts, that which whispers all the time in their ears…

I free my partner from the obligation to complete me. I am not lacking anything, I learn with all beings all the time…

I give thanks to my grandparents and predecessors who met so that I am breathing today…

I free them from the errors of the past and from the unfulfilled desires, aware that they did the best that they could to resolve their situations within the consciousness that they had at that time…

I honour them, I love them and I recognise them as innocent…

I uncover my spirit before their eyes, for this they know that I do not hide nor owe anything, more than to be faithful to myself and my own existence that, walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I complete my life project, free from invisible family loyalties that may disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities…

I renounce the role of saviour, of being the one who unites or obeys the expectations of others…

Learning through, and only through LOVE…

I bless my essence, my manner of expressing, although some may not understand me…

I understand myself, because only I have lived and experimented my story; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why…

I respect myself and I approve of myself. – I honour the Divinity in me and in you…

We are free.

Painting: Sandra Bierman – Circle of Light II

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